Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Day Has FINALLY Arrived!


Well after more than seven months of planning, our big RV2AK adventure begins today!  It is 7am here in Milwaukee as I type . . . and Pam is in the air, flying in for an early afternoon arrival.  David & I will pick her up at the airport and head west for Forest City, IA where we'll overnight near the Winnebago Visitor Center and Campground.

Our campervan has been prepared by the staff of Great Alaskan Holidays for our journey to Anchorage and we anticipate no major issues when we pick it up and head out bright & early tomorrow morning.

The amount of planning and packing for this trip has at times been overwhelming!  Clothes . . . food . . . camping gear . . . electronics . . . experiences/tours . . . and THE DRIVE!  As the time drew closer, more and more people had "helpful advice" about all of these aspects of this trip.  I think we're prepared as best as we can be, without getting too bogged down in scenarios that may happen but cannot be adequately predicted.  "GO WITH THE FLOW" will be our game plan, knowing there will be stores and opportunities to buy whatever we may not have along the way.

Already there are wildfires in British Columbia, near Ft. Nelson.  Sadly, this is a reality to be expected in the early spring along this route.  It seems as the weather gets warmer, western Canada & the US experience them.  It was reported just yesterday that fire started when high winds blew a tree over and it fell onto a power line, causing it to catch fire.  Thousands of residents have been ordered to evacuate as the main highway in the area has been closed as the fire burns "out of control" per local officials.  We should be up around that area on Wednesday or Thursday next week . . . so hopefully it will be contained and a non-issue for us.  In the meantime, prayers to the local neighborhoods affected.

Looking ahead, it is my hope to be able to blog every few days, subject to what accessibility we have to the internet.  I'm not expecting much, so posting here (and on Facebook) may have significant delays.  But I will be making handwritten notes and taking LOTS of photos along the way.  I will definitely share our adventures as frequently as possible!

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